Tuesday, July 1, 2014

CONFESSIONS of BAD teacher blogger!!

Once again- I CONFESS to be the worst blogger on the teaching planet! However,I do think I have an explanation. Its called NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION. I literally fell off the face of the planet (for real- that is what I felt like). My family will even tell you all last year....I WAS A ZOMBIE! I spent every waking second typing, editing and compiling loads of information from lessons etc etc etc.....

The whole process was well VERY time CONSUMING! I found I had great days and days where I felt like I hit rock bottom. All in all it was a great experience. I CAN say that NOW....not a two months ago!!

If you have no idea what I am talking about- allow me to explain. 
National Board Teaching Certification is like THE last and final JEWEL I need to earn in my teacher crown! Its the highest certification/honor a teacher can obtain!
Its a long two part process, which requires massive amounts of time and....well GUTS! I had to develop a portfolio all about my teaching and take a computerized test in my certification area.

 FUN FACT: Only 40% of first timers certify. HERE is the kicker....I wont have my scores until Novemberish to Decemberish!!! ( yep- I am not even sure of the date of score release. I'll get a nice little email when that DAY comes!!!)  

In the meantime, I am looking forward to getting back on the OCD bandwagon. For any of you that know me personally...its just how I am in the classroom! National Boards forced me to push my crazy ways aside for a year. 

So there! I feel better. I am back and better than ever and I am ready to have a great year with your kids!

I also wanted to take a second for all the PARENTS involved in my certification...THANK YOU to the moon and back. Your letters, time and words will never be forgotten. I saved copies of everything and will cherish them always!!

Love you all
~Mrs. Hensley~

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